4 Pest-Proofing Tips from Harpoon Pest Solutions

by | Sep 21, 2018

There are few things more unsettling than finding an insect or rodent infestation in your house or apartment. Between the dangers of bacteria and disease and the general uneasiness of creepy-crawlers in your home, getting rid of pests is not something to procrastinate with. If your home has already been infiltrated by these unwanted guests, you can rest easy knowing that Philadelphia’s termite control specialists at Harpoon Pest Solutions can fix the problem. However, if you are currently pest-free and would like to keep it that way, you can start by following these tips:

Keep Your Trash Cans Secure

Nothing attracts rodents quite like an exposed garbage can. While you might find it disgusting, to a mouse or rat, they’ve hit the jackpot. To avoid vermin in and around your garbage can, be sure that all receptacles are sealed tightly.

Break Out the Vacuum

Between the dirt that gets tracked in by shoes and the bits of food that can accumulate over time, the carpet in your house or apartment could be holding a small feast for any number of insects or rodents. However, you can easily solve this problem by vacuuming your home around once per week.

No Crumbs Left Behind

Along the same lines as vacuuming, you can drastically decrease your chance of attracting pests by keeping your countertops and kitchen floors free of excess food and crumbs. Rodents love to hang out under kitchen appliances, and if you’re dropping bits of food on the kitchen floor, you might be making it easier for them to store food. Not only will you keep unwanted pests out, but your kitchen will look nice and clean!

Check Under the Sink

One of the most common places that homeowners find insects and other pests are in areas with plenty of moisture. To be sure that you’re not hosting any unwanted guests, always remember to check under your kitchen and bathroom sinks for leaky pipes that might be causing an excess of moisture. Keeping things dry underneath water fixtures can make all the difference when it comes to deterring insects.

Following these tips can certainly help your chances of repelling unwanted critters. However, if you still need the services of a professional rodent, bed bug, termite, or roach exterminator in Philadelphia, PA, don’t hesitate to give Harpoon Pest Solutions a call!